Patients and physicians see value from telehealth, but nurses and staff see more work
Telemedicine saw a tremendous uptick in usage in 2020; these services had been widely accessible for some time but had been underutilised, with many doctors not even offering them before the pandemic. 85% of them were using telehealth as of the beginning of this year, which was a significant shift quickly. According to a study by research firm Sage Growth Partners, patients aren't the only ones who care about improving their telehealth programmes; doctors who work in practises and hospital C-suite executives also do. Only 11% of hospitals and 8% of practises reported wanting to increase their telehealth offerings, but 45% of hospitals and 35% of practises reported wanting to improve their current programme.
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What Is Value Based Care, And Why Is The Healthcare Industry Suddenly So Interested In It?
Many are wondering if VBC will be the next revolution in healthcare. Value-based care (VBC) has gained popularity as a catchphrase, capturing much of the media's focus on "the future of healthcare." …
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