How communities can better prepare for post-emergency telehealth deployments

How communities can better prepare for post-emergency telehealth deployments

Obviously, telehealth disaster solutions are an inexact science, but there are plenty of component parts that can make powerful solutions. Next year the federal government is unleashing billions for broadband, telehealth, and healthcare, so now is a good time to formulate some telehealth- and broadband-driven disaster recovery strategies while there’s money, even as pilot tests. One benefit of these vehicles is that there is a trust built up between the community and participants that makes people and medical management easier during disasters. Before there is a disaster, consider designating various buildings citywide (libraries, auditoriums, gyms) as "generator and telehealth zones" where you can move in appropriate equipment and telehealth kiosks. Use these buildings if they survive the disaster  for seniors with health issues who have been displaced, people with chronic illnesses, and patients with non-serious injuries from the disaster if these residents don’t have easy access to other residential or healthcare facilities. Learning from the lesson, cities should take broadband and healthcare money, create emergency healthcare capabilities within public housing facilities for times of disaster, and leverage the technology during normal times. The quality and speed if you have a community's broadband network has a big impact on your technology’s ability to survive a disaster, and to quickly come back on line. Telehealth stakeholders should be involved with their city’s broadband or digital efforts, or at least a community broadband initiative to support telehealth and disaster response. "The public's access to telehealth in our community will be light years ahead," says Grayson City Clerk Duane Suttles. "In the event of a natural disaster, once emergency power is established, access to 1 gigabit fiber by every building will enable emergency responders to greatly enhance medical treatments in the field and in homes when transportation may be delayed due to closed roads and bridges."

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