Standard Occupational Classification (SOC): Artists and Related Workers, All Other

Artists and related workers, all other in the healthcare field typically use their creative skills and abilities to produce visual or performing arts materials that support the communication and promotion of healthcare-related information and services. These professionals may work in a variety of settings, including hospitals, medical practices, healthcare organizations, and other related entities.

Artists and related workers, all other in the healthcare field may be responsible for creating visual materials such as paintings, illustrations, and photographs, or for performing music, dance, or other artistic endeavors. They may also be responsible for working with clients and stakeholders to ensure that their artistic creations meet the needs and objectives of healthcare organizations.

Overall, the work of artists and related workers, all other in the healthcare field involves using the arts to communicate information and ideas related to healthcare and medical topics, and to promote the services and products of healthcare organizations. These professionals may specialize in a particular art form or may have a more general skill set that allows them to work in a variety of artistic contexts.

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