Medical Subject Headings (MeSH): Coronaviridae Infections

Coronaviridae infections in healthcare refer to the spread of viral infections caused by the family of viruses known as coronaviridae. This family of viruses includes the viruses that cause diseases such as COVID-19, SARS, and MERS.

Coronaviridae infections in healthcare can have serious consequences, including increased morbidity and mortality, as well as strain on the healthcare system. To prevent coronaviridae infections in healthcare, it is important for healthcare organizations to implement effective infection control measures, such as wearing personal protective equipment (PPE), cleaning and disinfecting surfaces and equipment, and following hand hygiene protocols.

Healthcare organizations may also work with public health agencies and other stakeholders to implement measures to prevent the spread of coronaviridae infections in the community, such as promoting physical distancing and mask-wearing, and identifying and isolating cases of coronavirus infections.

Overall, the prevention of coronaviridae infections in healthcare is critical for protecting the health and safety of healthcare workers and patients, and for maintaining the integrity of the healthcare system.

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