InnAccel Technologies Pvt Ltd.

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0-50 Medical Equipment Manufacturing

4 Raja Rammohan Roy Road,, Near Richmond Circle, Bangalore, Karnataka, 560025, India

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About Us

InnAccel identifies critical, unmet, healthcare needs, using the Stanford Biodesign process, and works on selected clinical needs with large global markets. The selected needs are taken forward to develop a regulatory-certified, world-class, product, deploying InnAccel’s proprietary Product Engineering & Development (PED) platform, in 2 – 3 years.InnAccel has over 30 professionals at its Innovation Center, led by a team that brings together entrepreneurial, technology development, and clinical experience.Their strategic advisory board includes industry leaders, and we have a network of 50+ advisors/ mentors to guide project teams.

  • InnAccel - VapCare

    InnAccel - VapCare

    Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP) is a leading nosocomial cause of mortality in the ICU, causing over 250,000 deaths each year in India.Noncompliance to and inconsistent implementation of …

    Posted   Digital Medical Devices Risk Management

    Last Updated

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