WEBstudio versus traditional telemedicine


Do you know anyone using VEPRO WEBstudio?

WEBstudio Telemedicine enables employees or service providers to support the existing work processes in your hospital from any location. You work with desktop or mobile devices, directly with your known systems in real time as if you were working on site. The usual internal workflows always remain the same. Patient data never leaves the hospital, the highest level of data protection is guaranteed.

Whenever telemedicine support was needed in the past, the normal internal workflow had to be interrupted. Images and reports were sent back and forth in a time-consuming process, and external reports were laboriously integrated into the usual workflow due to media breaks. Loss of data sovereignty and no control of data protection for patient data sent were the result.

WEBstudio the Synergy Gateway

With the WEBstudio Telemedicine App, you can provide your authorized staff, service providers, referrers on any desktop or mobile device the same software, with the same functionality they need to accomplish their tasks.

Usage scenarios

  • The Tele-Radiologist reads at home, with up to 3 diagnostic monitors, X-ray images in full lossless DICOM quality, which have just been completed.

  • The Tele-Cardiologist abroad has direct live access to the video of the cardiac catheterization being performed.

  • The Tele-Pathologist uses his personal order list and diagnoses real-time microscopic image data.

  • The typist creates the reports at home.

  • The head of radiology releases reports from on the way.


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