EZBIS chiropractic Electronic Health Records


EZBIS chiropractic Electronic Health Records

The EZBIS Electronic Health Record system has the the most advanced doctor-interface available for chiropractors today

Electronic Health Records (EHR)

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The EZBIS chiropractic Electronic Health Records system is available either as a stand-alone system, or as a module that can be combined with other EZBIS modules, such as for billing and appointment scheduling. the high-tech, doctor-centric EHR interface makes it easy to record patient health information, enter daily notes and generate complete, professional narratives, SOAP notes and other health documentation. EZBIS EHR is totally integrated with the billing, scheduling and other features of the EZBIS Office practice management software. The high-tech Body Chart provides high-resolution human body images with muscle, skeletal, and vertebral views.

With EZBIS EHR, you can skip the paper charts, viewing and entering health information directly into your computer system. EZBIS EHR offers total flexibility for entering data. You can carry a tablet PC, use touch-screen computers in each treatment room, enter health information and notes using voice dictation or enter patient information with conventional desktop or laptop computers. Thereโ€™s even a way to use the built-in travel sheets to record information on paper for later data-entry into the computer. One of the biggest benefits to using EZBIS Electronic Health Records is that the EHR information is tightly integrated with the other modules and features of the comprehensive EZBIS Office practice management software. Unlike stand-alone EHR or EMR systems, there is no duplicate data entry involved. As you enter the treatment information in your daily notes, the billing codes are entered for you, automatically. This eliminates the chance for data-entry errors by staff members since the codes are precisely the ones that you specify. Patient health information can be locked and finalized with a signature. Daily notes and other reports can be generated any time, for any range of dates, using EZBIS’ exclusive “intelliphrase” technology. EZBIS Electronic Health Records is a complete EHR, giving you the ability to record the complete health information for every patient:

  • High-tech body diagrams allow you select a body part or area and quickly enter all subjective, objective and treatment information

  • Customizable side panels give you the flexibility to see the patient information that is most relevant to you when treating the patient

  • Works with tablets, touch-screen computers, conventional computers or paper use it the way that suits your preference!

  • Alerts for scheduled changes to the patient’s treatment schedule

  • Ability to send pop-ups to the front desk personnel for changes to a patient’s schedule, such as to notify front desk staff to schedule a re-exam

  • Fast, easy daily SOAP note entry

  • Treatments and therapies are automatically posted for billing as the notes are entered, eliminating mistakes.

  • Exam entry with automatic prompts for test results

  • Comprehensive injury information, including a wizard for detailing motor vehicle accidents

  • Complete patient and family history

  • X-rays and other types of imaging, with the ability to record observations

  • Detailed Care Plans with alerts to upcoming changes

  • Extensive diagnosis, assessment, prognosis and contraindications

  • Outcomes assessment questionnaires and Activities of Daily Living

EZBIS chiropractic Electronic Health Records

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