CareHarmony Chronic Care Management

CareHarmony, Inc.

CareHarmony Chronic Care Management

CareHarmony provides all of the benefits of chronic care management, with none of the hassle

Chronic Care Management

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CareHarmony is a turnkey chronic care management solution that combines software and care coordination services to help you meet the complex requirements of Medicares new chronic care management code: 99490. Acting as a seamless extension of your practice, we deliver enhanced levels of care for your chronically ill patients.

Streamlined patient enrollment is critically important to the success of a chronic care management program. CareHarmony has created patient enrollment programs that minimize the time and effort required by the practice and reassure patients about the value of the program. Our efforts routinely produce 300% greater enrollment in chronic care management programs.

While improved patient care and financial incentives get all of the attention, it is important not to overlook that risk that comes with CMS audits. CareHarmony mitigates this risk with comprehensive time tracking and reporting tools and processes.

CareHarmony Chronic Care Management

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