Cardiac Design Labs - Padma Rhythms®

Cardiac Design Labs Pvt Ltd

Cardiac Design Labs - Padma Rhythms®

Interconnected, easy-to-activate. Designed for both offline and online modes

Cardiac Monitoring Technologies Digital Medical Devices

Do you know anyone using Cardiac Design Labs - Padma Rhythms®?

Padma Rhythms® gives an unleash holistic experience for long-term heart monitoring and diagnosis and is powered by portable devices, telemetry and proprietary ML algorithms.Performance meets intelligent design. High-fidelity, light-weight device packed with ECG monitoring quality, comparable only to best-in-class industrial Holters. It provides early detection of episodes, insights for technicians with automated monitoring of cardio data ~20 seconds from occurrence without user-triggered interventions.

Cardiac Design Labs - Padma Rhythms®

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