Benchmark RCM

Benchmark Systems

Benchmark RCM

Expedite collections and maximize reimbursements with Benchmark RCM

Revenue Cycle Management

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Navigating the healthcare system’s complex reimbursement processes is challenging, but necessary to ensure the financial health of medical practices. With Benchmark RCM, clients reduce their AR to an average of under 30 days, and minimize error rates, resulting in a 98% Clean Claims Rate.

Benchmark RCM specialists are experienced and dedicated revenue cycle management experts who handle account and denial management, data entry, reviewing codes, and minimizing errors so medical practices get paid faster and improve overall profitability.


  • Increased collections by an average of 10 – 15% within the first year.

  • Reduce AR from a national average of 56 days to under 30 days.

  • Five-star rated RCM support team, reducing overhead costs for hiring and training billing specialists.

  • Maximized reimbursements, with a 98% first pass claims submission payment.

  • Benchmark RCM fees are based on successful transactions, which lets practices control their cash flow.

Benchmark RCM

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