Technology Can Better Serve Pediatric Care – One Physician Explains How
The utilization of information technology in the care of children with medical complexity holds great promise. It can offer unprecedented depth and breadth in diagnostic capabilities, enabling personalized treatments and allowing for the assessment of outcomes and the effectiveness of clinical protocols. Information technology can efficiently handle and analyze vast amounts of data, providing valuable insights for healthcare provider organizations. It supports better monitoring, diagnostics, and treatment plans, ultimately leading to improved care, tailored to individual patients and more effective practices for the entire patient population, particularly in the context of neonatal intensive care units and pediatric medicine.
Medigy Insights
Dr. William Hay Jr., Chief Medical Officer at Astarte Medical, highlights the need for information technology and digital tools in pediatric care. With the prevalence of chronic conditions in children and the complexity of their health issues, digital tools can improve diagnostic capabilities, treatment plans, and monitoring. By providing comprehensive, detailed assessments and the ability to analyze extensive data, technology enhances the quality and precision of clinical care, leading to better outcomes, more personalized treatments, and collaborative research opportunities. It offers a solution to the challenges of childhood medical disorders and contributes to improved healthcare for pediatric patients.
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To Drive Value, EHRs Need to Actually be Usable
Electronic Health Records (EHRs) have historically served multiple purposes, but they often neglected the needs of clinicians, leading to reduced productivity and strained patient-physician …
Posted Oct 11, 2023 Patient Centricity Provider-Patient Relation Value Based Care Personalized Medicine Electronic Health Records (EHR)