How one practice's EHR helped offset its declining Medicare reimbursements
By reducing the amount of time a patient must spend in physical therapy, the all-in-one practice management system allowed therapists to see more patients without compromising the standard of care. Scheduling, billing, and other essential business-related tasks are made possible by software in physical therapy and rehabilitation practices. First Settlement's team discovered that the available digital platforms couldn't expand when a practice added clients, therapists, and services when they began shopping for IT resources.
According to Simon Hargus, owner and CEO of First Settlement, "The inability to scale our business meant we might not be able to capitalize on the overall growth expected for the physical therapy industry." According to Fortune Business Insights, the occupational and physical therapy services industry in the US will reach $73 billion by 2022.
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Posted Jun 12, 2023 ERP and Human Capital Management Skilled Nursing Facilities Home Care Services