5 Components of a Patient-Centric eCOA Strategy for Oncology Clinical Trials
Valuable assessment components outlined by the FDA, there are also several overall best practices for a patient-centric eCOA strategy: According to estimates, 1.9 million new instances of cancer will be diagnosed in the US alone in 2022, making oncology a crucial area of clinical research. It is crucial that all parties involved in the preparation of oncology trials recognise that only patients have a complete understanding of how treatment will affect their lives. Regulators are now taking into account factors other than just clinical indicators like tumour size and slowly progressing disease. They want to know whether the side effects are bearable for patients and how these treatments could be enhanced from the patient's perspective when weighing the risks and benefits of the course of therapy. For medications and therapies to be successfully developed and evaluated, clinical research's scientific rigour must be combined with patient-reported outcomes' (PROs) ability to reflect the human experience.
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Posted Feb 21, 2023 Digital Health Information Technology Physicians