New UVA Health Partnership Expands Virtual Care Access
UVA Health and a coalition of Southwest Virginia healthcare groups announced a partnership on Jan. 30 that will focus on improving health problems related to COVID-19 the partnership is possible thanks to a $5.1 million federal grant. A cooperation between UVA Health and a consortium of Southwest Virginia healthcare organisations was announced in a news release on January 30 with the intention of addressing COVID-19 pandemic-related health issues. A $5.1 million federal grant supporting the collaboration will improve the region's access to healthcare. The UVA Center for Telehealth, the Healthy Appalachia Institute at the University of Virginia's College at Wise, the Southwest Virginia Health Authority, the Health Wagon, Tri-Area Health, and Ballad Health will join forces as part of the Virginia Consortium to Advance Healthcare in Appalachia, according to the press release, "to help more residents get care using innovative telehealth models." The partnership's primary objective is to enhance patient outcomes for those with COVID-19 and chronic health disorders.
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