Guidelines for use of AI in healthcare are on track, says CHAI

Guidelines for use of AI in healthcare are on track, says CHAI

After two intensive workshops, the Coalition for AI Health is preparing to ready guidelines for the responsible use of algorithms in clinical settings. The Coalition for AI Health has announced it will meet this month to finalize its consensus-driven framework and share recommendations by year-end in a progress update. The result will be a framework, the "Guidelines for the Responsible Use of AI in Healthcare," that intentionally fosters resilient AI assurance, safety and security, according to the October 6 progress update. "Application of AI brings a tremendous benefit for patient care, but so is its potential to exacerbate inequity in healthcare," said Dr. John Halamka, president of Mayo Clinic Platform and cofounder of the coalition in the update. "The enthusiastic participation of leading academic health systems, technology organizations and federal observers demonstrates the significant national interest in ensuring that health AI serves all of us," he said in the CHAI progress update.

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