HHS Puts out new Notice on Audio-only Telehealth and HIPAA
The guidance is meant to help providers better understand the privacy and security implications of non-video virtual care options, which are hugely useful for individuals with disabilities and those in rural communities. The new guidance is meant to clarify how covered entities can provide audio-only virtual care in compliance with HIPAA and improve public confidence that covered entities are protecting the privacy and security of their health information. "This guidance will help ensure that individuals can continue to benefit from audio-only telehealth by clarifying how covered entities can provide telehealth services and improving public confidence that covered entities are protecting the privacy and security of their health information," said OCR officials. "This guidance explains how the HIPAA Rules permit health care providers and plans to offer audio telehealth while protecting the privacy and security of individuals' health information."
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PCORI to Fund Research on Maternal Health Inequities, Telehealth
Research to involve partnerships between clinical research teams, community organizations on how to address both clinical and social factors driving maternal health disparities. The Patient-Centered …
Posted Jun 16, 2022 Health Inequities Mental Health Telehealth