EarliTec Diagnostics Receives FDA Clearance for Autism Diagnosis Support Tool

EarliTec Diagnostics Receives FDA Clearance for Autism Diagnosis Support Tool

EarliPoint Evaluation monitors a child's looking behavior while watching videos to help a clinician identify autism spectrum disorder. EarliTec Diagnostics announced it has received FDA 510(k) clearance for a device that helps clinicians identify autism spectrum disorder for children between the ages of 16 and 30 months old. The CDC notes ASD can sometimes be detected at 18 months or younger, and an experienced professional can reliably diagnose the condition in children around 2 years old. "EarliTec was founded to advance ASD care by developing new approaches to diagnosing, monitoring and treating children. "Today's clearance is an exciting first step, and we look forward to advancing our ongoing partnerships with clinicians who can use EarliPoint Evaluation to identify young children with autism and help children and families get the interventions and support that are most beneficial."

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