Apple releases COVID-19 screening tool, resource guide

Apple releases COVID-19 screening tool, resource guide

This morning Apple became the next tech giant to jump into the coronavirus resource space, with the launch of its COVID-19 website and corresponding app.

The new site, which serves as both a screening tool and information platform, was born out of a collaboration with Apple, the CDC, the White House Coronavirus Task Force and FEMA.

Users are able to go onto the site and answer a list of questions including symptoms, risk factors and exposure. At the end of the survey users are given a directive about possible next steps. For example, “self-isolate” or “contact your work’s occupational health provider.”

Folks are also able to tap into resources about how to socially isolate, when to get a test, and how to monitor symptoms.

Users are also able to ask Siri about coronavirus symptoms and get a guidance resources from the CDC and directions to telehealth apps.

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    Telehealth in the time of COVID-19

    Marianna Imenokhoeva, founder at LinktoMedicine and Future50 International, writes about telehealth and its practicalities during the coronavirus pandemic.

    Posted Mar 31, 2020covid-19telehealth

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