How Chief Medical Officers Plan, Implement and Champion New Technology
From ensuring quality care and educating providers to managing organizational culture, chief medical officers have no shortage of responsibilities.
But as electronic health records, value-based reimbursement, changing consumer preferences, data-driven wearables and artificial intelligence grow in scope and necessity, CMOs find many new challenges on their plate. That, in turn, is broadening the role, requiring leaders to be tech-savvy, financially focused and highly collaborative with vendors and business teams.
HealthTech recently spoke to Dr. Kent Bishop about the balance. Bishop, an obstetrician/gynecologist, is CMO at ProMedica Physicians and Acute Care in Toledo, Ohio, and president of women’s services and chief experience officer at ProMedica.
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Trump Administration Proposed Budget Envisions Major Medicaid and Other Cuts
The Fiscal Year 2021 budget proposal released on Monday by the Trump administration proposes major cuts to safety-net programs, especially, in regard to healthcare, in Medicaid, with $1.5 trillion in …
Posted Feb 12, 2020medicaidtrump administration