Voice To Text Technologies Shape The Future Of Electronic Medical Records
Typing memos about patient-doctor encounters into EHRs is so time-consuming that the demand for medical scribes has grown exponentially in the last couple of years. That alone still cannot solve the problem that half of physicians’ average workdays are spent conducting clerical work and administration. Artificial intelligence-based voice to text technologies promise to turn the tables: the doctor and the patient speak while a voice assistant listens in and puts down the interpreted text into the relevant columns in the EHRs. Sounds like science fiction? That’s no longer the case. We looked around where the technology stands today and how it could cure ‘desktop medicine’ in the future.
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A.I. Bias In Healthcare
We strongly believe that only digital health can bring healthcare into the 21st century and make patients the point-of-care.
Posted Oct 18, 2019ai