Here's what to expect from Congress and the Trump administration for the rest of 2019
There are only a few months left in 2019, but some major news is still likely to come out of Congress and the Trump administration.
Impeachment has dominated talk on Capitol Hill, but some lawmakers are trying to reignite momentum on legislation to end surprise medical bills and to tackle high drug prices.
Meanwhile, expect some major regulations to come out down the road from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Likely regulations include an anticipated overhaul to the Stark Law, a 1989 law that prohibits physicians from referring patients to a hospital or facility they have a financial stake in. The healthcare industry has complained that the law is an obstacle to value-based care.
Also, be ready for new regulations on price transparency and interoperability. Here are five areas to look out for as we approach the end of the year.
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MGMA19: 7 predictions for what lies ahead in healthcare in 2020
NEW ORLEANS—Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) officials got out their crystal ball Monday. At the organization’s annual conference in New Orleans, members of MGMA’s government affairs group …
Posted Oct 17, 2019reportssurvey