UK to explore use of health data for research and innovation at scale with launch of seven hubs
The UK is moving one step closer to creating an infrastructure for the use of health-related data at scale with the launch of seven centres announced this week.
Led by Health Data Research UK and part of a four-year, £37.5m investment from the government through the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund, these hubs will, among others, seek to transform the way cancer data is used and expand opportunities for patients to participate in clinical trials.
They were selected in an open competition by an independent panel, after being examined against criteria including their potential for impact, and over 100 organisations from the NHS, academia, charities, tech and pharma companies are involved.
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Integrating clinical decision support at point of care
MITRE Lead Clinical Informaticist Sharon Sebastian discusses efforts to share clinical decision support across domains.
Posted Sep 13, 2019clinical decision support