AHRQ launches app to help patients preplan questions for doctors | MobiHealthNews

AHRQ launches app to help patients preplan questions for doctors | MobiHealthNews

Figuring out the right questions to ask a doctor during a short visit can be stressful, but the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is attempting to help remedy this issue with a new app called Question Builder. The app is free and lets patients figure out the appropriate questions and medical information for them when they take a trip to their doctor. The technology was developed with consumer and provider input.

Designed to help patients organize their visits, users are asked when the appointment is scheduled for and the reason for it. The system can then give users suggested questions based on this information. It also includes educational materials explaining why asking these questions is important, and a camera component where users can upload visuals and documents.

Why it matters

The average doctor’s visit in the US last less than 25 minutes, meaning getting all of those questions in can be challenging.

“Patients can get better care by preparing to ask questions about their care and communicating effectively with their doctors, nurses, and other providers,” Dr. Jeff Brady, who directs AHRQ’s Center for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety, said in a statement. “Asking questions to make sure patients understand instructions and other aspects of their care can help reduce the chance of missed diagnoses, identify the right tests that are needed and avoid unnecessary hospital stays.”

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