3 reasons Why Natural Language Processing Will go Mainstream This Year
NLP in healthcare can accurately give voice to the massive amount of unstructured data of the healthcare universe, and here are the three reasons why I believe 2023 is the year that we will see increased adoption of NLP across the industry. Natural language processing (NLP) is the ability of computers to understand human speech terms and written text. Within healthcare, the adoption of NLP is now rising because of its recognized potential to search, analyze and interpret large amounts of patient data. NLP technology has the ability to harness relevant insights and concepts from data that is buried in text form, which otherwise would typically take clinicians / physicians several hours to read through and comprehend. NLP in healthcare can accurately give voice to the massive amount of unstructured data of the healthcare universe, and here are the three reasons why I believe 2023 is the year that we will see increased adoption of NLP across the industry.
Medigy Insights
Natural language processing (NLP) technology has the potential to transform the healthcare industry by extracting valuable insights from the vast amount of unstructured data generated in this sector. In 2023, we anticipate an increased adoption of NLP across the healthcare industry for three reasons. Firstly, it can improve patient outcomes by identifying at-risk patients and enabling early interventions. Secondly, it can increase efficiency by automating manual processes and reducing labor costs. Finally, it can result in significant cost savings by improving resource allocation and reducing unnecessary procedures. As healthcare providers recognize the value of NLP technology, we expect to see a significant increase in implementation in the coming years.
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