How Is Quantum Computing Being Used in Healthcare?
Quantum computing harnesses the laws of quantum mechanics to solve complex problems that are can’t be solved by traditional computers, including today’s supercomputers, according to IBM. Quantum technology can consider numerous variables that interact with each other in complicated ways. In healthcare this offers the potential to advance precision medicine, drug discovery and diagnoses through complex analyses.Earlier this year, Cleveland Clinic and IBM unveiled the world’s first quantum computer dedicated to healthcare research onsite at Cleveland Clinic’s main campus. The organization’s goal is to accelerate biomedical discovery.While quantum computing has the potential to transform healthcare research, the technology itself needs to advance before it will be a viable and accessible option for the average health system. However, Cleveland Clinic is taking some of the first steps for healthcare in quantum computing, which could provide valuable insights for the future of the technology.
Medigy Insights
This concept can be visualized using waves. If two ripples are created next to each other in the water, they will overlap and create an entirely new pattern. Applied to quantum computing, if you combine two quantum states, they will create an entirely new state and, inversely, each quantum state can be represented as the combination of two or more states, according to AWS. This principle is at the core of quantum computing and enables the technology to process a large and complex number of operations in parallel at the same time.According to AWS, “quantum entanglement occurs when two systems link so closely that knowledge about one gives you immediate knowledge about the other, no matter how far apart they are.”
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