Healthcare Organizations Can Begin Taking Advantage of Generative AI Now
Generative artificial intelligence is gaining traction as one of the most transformational technologies of our time by tackling some of humanity’s most challenging problems, augmenting human performance and maximizing productivity. It’s energizing to see how the adoption of generative AI technology is delivering value across many industries.Healthcare organizations are known for their ability to drive innovation, and they are rising to the forefront of this transformation. From large, nationally known hospitals to small regional health systems, nonprofits, government organizations and academic medical centers, implementation of generative AI technology is quickly proving to yield benefits, including creating effective data strategies, upskilling healthcare workers and addressing high-friction workflow tasks.
Medigy Insights
Establishing a clear data framework will help healthcare organizations better prioritize business opportunities and technology use cases as well as identify gaps in data strategy. Data strategy is key to the effective application of generative AI, which can help automate code development, enhance data protection and governance, and accelerate insight generation at the point of care.According to the World Economic Forum, nearly 97% of data produced by hospitals each year goes unused because it is trapped in unstructured formats.
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