Health-Related Biometrics Open Up Privacy Risks
Detecting clinical depression from vocal patterns, identifying an individual through their way of walking, determining a caller’s emotion during a customer service session—these are examples of biometric analysis in use today. Both the science of biometric analysis and the exploitation of such analysis has progressed far beyond fingerprints and facial recognition. The Mozilla Foundation describes itself as “the non-profit, movement-building, and philanthropy arm of Mozilla,” which is the technology company behind the Firefox web browser. The foundation, which has been zealously pursuing privacy on the Internet for years, recently released a report titled From Skin to Screen: Bodily Integrity in the Digital Age, written by Júlia Keserű, a Senior Tech Policy Fellow there. I interviewed Keserű to discuss the implications of her research and her plans for activism concerning biometrics and privacy..
Medigy Insights
Biometrics need to be taken seriously now because they are becoming widespread—and they work.Keserű told me, for instance, that emotion recognition was unreliable till recently because theories were flawed—for instance, researchers would assume that a smile always indicates happiness. As if to illustrate the poverty of that assumption, I responded to her statement with a smile in rueful recognition of how commonly researchers oversimplify.The term UTS was invented by the U.S. Department of Defense to warn of activities by foreign intelligence agencies to follow spies and military personnel. But the term just as well applies to the tracking of ordinary civilians by governments and commercial institutions.
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