A Value-Driven Digital Strategy Framework for Healthcare Firms
The post-pandemic world demands a breakthrough in healthcare delivery. In line with the sustainable development goal (SDG 3) that articulates ‘Good Health and Well-being for all,’ the World Health Organization has recognized digital health technologies as an essential driver to this effect. Consequently, healthcare providers have accelerated digitalization as a disruptor of paramount importance. But, do they reap a full harvest of business outcomes in their digital efforts and investments? This article proposes a strategic framework for value creation and appropriation as a managerial resource for healthcare providers embarking on digital journeys. Suppose we were to examine healthcare markets in the 1990s, we could not have disagreed with a popular HBR article, where Michael Treacy and Fred Wiersema argued that firms gain market leadership by mastering one of the value disciplines–operational excellence, customer intimacy, or product leadership. They proposed that each discipline creates an indispensable value proposition that gives firms a formidable competitive advantage.
Medigy Insights
Digital health technologies have the potential to create value for healthcare providers through operational excellence, customer intimacy, and product leadership. It is important for healthcare providers to have a digital strategy in order to fully realize the benefits of digital interventions. Leveraging multiple value disciplines, such as using data analytics to improve decision-making, can lead to improved business outcomes and overall well-being.
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