Using RPM in Post-Surgery Wards Without Driving Alarm Fatigue
Though the rate of postoperative deaths is low in the United States, a significant portion are preventable with effective post-surgery protocols. These include timely and accurate identification of patient deterioration. Technology has proven useful in alerting clinical teams to signs of patient deterioration, enabling early intervention.In recent years, various types of technology have been employed to enhance the detection of patient deterioration, including artificial intelligence and remote patient monitoring. Prior research has shown that a wearable RPM device helped clinicians detect patient deterioration between 29 and 40 hours faster than standard monitoring methods.Now, a new pilot study conducted by Cleveland Clinic and GE HealthCare adds to the evidence that RPM tools can provide critical information to clinicians without prompting alarm fatigue, enabling them to provide effective clinical responses, mitigate patient deterioration and reduce preventable deaths post-surgery.
Medigy Insights
According to the study's Principal Investigator Daniel I. Sessler, M.D., the risk of death during surgery has dropped compared with the death risk post-surgery.Despite dramatic advancements in healthcare delivery, Sessler, formerly with Cleveland Clinic and now a professor and vice president for clinical and outcomes research at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth Houston), pointed out that post-surgery monitoring has remained largely the same for the last few decades, and this might be one reason for postoperative deaths.
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