COVID-19, Telemedicine and Mental Health
How Mental Health is Suffering During COVID-19
Mental health isn't a one-time, simple fix. It is a complex process that includes behavioural health, moving past the stigma so people feel satisfied seeking care, and the converging of numerous experts and stakeholders to evolve new ways to convey that care.
While the novel Coronavirus continues to wreak havoc on healthcare systems around the world, a new poll, published on April 2 reveals the psychological toll the pandemic is taking on the average American. According to the survey, 45% of adults say the pandemic has had an impact on their mental health, while close to 19% say it has had a "major impact."
“Mental health issues often appear after the crisis, not during,” she says, indicating at the 2019 wildfires in California that caused widespread evacuations, burned close to 77,000 acres of land, and cut off power to over a million Californians.“During the fires, people rallied to man the shelters, gather blankets, and perform other specific tasks to get through the crisis,” she says. “It’s when people got back to their normal lives that we saw an increase in mental health issues and even PTSD.”
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Last Modified : January 6, 2022