Why the Revenue Cycle Is Vital to Exceeding Patient Expectations and Driving Financial Performance
For physician practices seeking ways to rebuild volume with current patients and consumers shopping for care, understanding the ongoing impact of financial worries is critical to designing a plan that helps patients better manage care decisions as well as costs. Consider that the key public-facing touch points, such as pre-registration, intake, and payment, are also the interactions that often cause frustration for patients. Yet, these touch points are critical to the revenue cycle and financial recovery.
Becoming consumer-focused starts with removing the friction and making it easier for consumers and patients to find and interact with your practice. Just as important is seamlessly coordinating the additional diagnostic and treatment services your patients need from other providers. Digital tools are designed to make complex interactions user-friendly, transforming the patient’s entire care journey. This article highlights four strategies that leverage the technologies provided by patient experience solutions to enhance patient loyalty and satisfaction while driving better financial performance for physician practices.
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