Why EHRs Are Vital for Effective COVID-19 Vaccine Campaigns
To efficiently and effectively roll out millions of COVID-19 vaccines, technology is key. EHRs played an essential role in the early days of the pandemic: guiding screening questions, providing travel and exposure guidance, supporting diagnostic testing, and providing access to the latest CDC recommendations.
Now, the role of the EHR is even more vital, as this technology serves as the hub for documenting care; is viewed as a critical component to assist providers in staying organized; and ensures patients get the vaccines they need when they need them.
Given their importance in the fight against COVID-19, providers must ensure their EHRs and related systems are ready to support multiple aspects of vaccination campaigns, from communication with patients to submitting information to vaccination registries.
Capitalize on your EHR's ability to identify when patients are eligible to receive the COVID vaccine. Administration, communication, and organization is essential for administering vaccines successfully.
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