Text-based Virtual Care Program did not Improve Post-Discharge Outcomes

Text-based Virtual Care Program did not Improve Post-Discharge Outcomes

An automated text-based virtual care program aimed at checking in with patients post-hospital discharge failed to demonstrate significant improvements in post-discharge outcomes, as indicated by a recent study. Despite its design to provide automated text messages and escalate to clinical care when necessary, the program did not result in a reduction in emergency department visits or readmissions within the 30-day post-discharge period. This study sheds light on the limitations of text-based interventions in effectively mitigating acute care revisits following hospital discharge.

Medigy Insights

A recent study found that an automated text-based virtual care program, designed to check in with patients post-hospital discharge, did not lead to significant improvements in post-discharge outcomes. Despite its aim to provide automated text messages and escalate to clinical care when necessary, the program failed to reduce emergency department visits or readmissions within the 30-day post-discharge period. This highlights the limitations of text-based interventions in effectively addressing acute care revisits following hospital discharge, emphasizing the need for further research and development in this area.

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